Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Here I am, one step closer.

_IGP1037_edited-1 I like flowers!  I think it is pretty obvious.  Every time I go out and take pictures, there is usually a flower or some other point of nature involved.  I am beginning to take people pictures.  It’s fun, especially the kids in my neighborhood.  They really ham it up and the parents appreciate a free print.  I am getting better but now I have the opportunity to really learn how to take pictures.  I was accepted into the Commercial Photography Program at Randolph Community College in Asheboro, NC.  It’s a phenomenal program with a great reputation. 

Their standards are high and I am going to have to rise to them.  I take good pictures but I want to take exceptional pictures and I am going to have to work harder than I ever have to get there.  It will be worth the effort.  I worked for years in jobs that I thought I might like but really just hated going to work.  Photography is my Zen Garden, my yoga and my peaceful place.  I can’t imagine what it will be like being paid to follow your dream and passion.

The biggest obstacle I face right now is financial.  My home, internet and cell phone have all been cut off.  I am trying to find work or work study.  At least I have food.  And through the kindness and generosity of staff and students, I have been able to get some of the supplies.  I still have to get a light-meter, tripod, T-square, more film and developing paper and another flash.  My flash doesn’t meet the standards.

I wish I had something really valuable or unique that I could list on EBay to raise money for tuition, fees, books and supplies.  Basically I would need it to go viral.  I do have a lead on two grants that I am applying for.  They won’t meet my immediate needs but they will help next semester.  Class starts in a couple of minutes, so I have to go.  Wish me luck!