I know that I'm a beginner and have a lot of learning ahead of me. But for some reason I just can't seem to get a tack sharp picture of my family. One or two came out including this one of my niece. I take lots of picture, needless to say, a lot of them are bad. I took my "portrait studio" stuff to my family at Thanksgiving. Things were clear but the lighting was just plain icky! Shooting in RAW helps but when you blow out a picture, no amount of post-processing is going to help. Hey, but what can I say, it is a learning experience. I now know how to better use those lights. The problem is that my family doesn't have much patience for my practice, with the exception of my youngest sister, her daughter and my son.
We learn basic portrait and object lighting next sememster.....hooray. I went back at Christmas...Happy Birthday Jesus...and tried again sans the "studio in the box" and my lighting and composition were pretty good but I was trying to hand-hold a 5D with a 75-300 IS USM and just wasn't getting it. I used the bar top with my elbows to steady myself, which helped a little. I used the flash that I had to get for school and put it down to 50% power and aimed it to bounce off of the ceiling. I got it to work pretty well, but you may be thinking, why didn't I just use a tripod. I had it and it was in the car and I was being lazy....yes, I admit it....lazy. Christmas day dawned with a hard icy cold rain and I just didn't want to go out to the car, which was parked on the road because the driveway at my Dad's house was covered in iced over snow slush. I tend to be a bit clutsy and was afraid I was going to take a nose dive on the pavement.
I am going to be a photojournalism major so I need to figure out how to get people in focus! Ok, more to come later.