Friday, August 31, 2012

Night Shot

Here is an attempt at a night shot that I kept the shutter open long enough to get the car's headlights and tail lights to blur. The streak just above the trees with the dashed line was an airplane with its strobes flashing.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Checking Out the Moon

I couldn't help but notice how bright the moon was last night. When I got home from school, I grabbed the tripod and changed lenses to try to shoot the moon. Here is one of the pictures I got.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Yellow Swallowtail

I pulled into my parking place at school on Monday and was treated to a yellow swallowtail butterfly enjoying the flowers on a bush. I grabbed my camera and followed it around snapping shots. It was a pretty butterfly.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Love That Sunset

So I'm still going through all of my old pictures that I have managed to bring together in one folder on my desktop. Today's picture is a lovely sunset photo taken just outside of Asheboro, NC. I do believe I even got one star in it. Anyway here it is.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Rainy Day

I was looking at some of my old pictures and came across this photo of a rain storm with a huge shaft of rain coming toward us. There was lots of lightning but unfortunately I wasn't able to capture that.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

What a Pear

I have this tray that has these sparkly little pink fruits. I had it sitting on the table and noticed the neat shadows and highlights that showed up because of the window light. I decided to take a picture.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Eye see you!

So I'm out taking pictures and come back in and am a little bored. I decided to do a self portrait with my DSLR. Not quite as easy as using your cell phone. I wanted to get just my eye, so I looked at the reflection in the lens until my eye was centered, held the button until I heard the autofocus beep and pressed the shutter. It took a couple of tries but here is one that I liked.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Where did that come from?

I walked out the door the other day to discover a whole patch of mushrooms. These weren't those little button mushrooms but big ones at least 5 inches across and 6 inches tall. Here is a picture of one of the smaller ones.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Where's the Spider

Found a cool spider's web but no spider.