Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Planes and Trains

Been watching lots of transportation lately. Spent a day at an airport and was lucky enough to see a Stearman Biplane flying. Then went with my son to watch the train go by. As always, I had permission to be where I was and never trespassed. It was a fun couple of afternoons.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

More Autumn Pix

Lately the weather has been from the 60's up to the 80's and this weekend it is going to bottom out with highs in the 40's and 50's. All these cool temps have the leaves church.

More Moon Shots

Had to skip the moon last night due to clouds but they were out the day before and today.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

The Leaves They are a Changing

The leaves have been somewhat slow to change this year. One of the trees in the yard has started and the light was pretty as it made them glow.

A Sliver of the Moon

My son sent me a message telling me to look out the window to see the cool moon. Glad he did.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Heron Overhead

My son said there goes the heron. I managed to snap one good shot which I cropped to get rid of some of the background.

The Duck Whisperer

Went to the park today with my son who had a few pieces of bread. The ducks sure liked him. You might say he was a duck whisperer for the day. In fact, he didn't have to say a word.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

A Red Eyed Fly

We are waiting for bad weather to move in and the insects are too. This little red eyed fly kept landing on the bumper of my car. So I tried to get as close as I could without him flying away. Here is a cropped version of one of the photos.

A couple of hours before the eclipse

Unfortunately the clouds moved in for the eclipse and the red moon. I had to settle for a picture of the moon a couple hours before the eclipse. It was almost a full moon. You can watch the moon grow larger through the pictures.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

The Sky Clears Back Up

Well, yesterday it was overcast and rainy. Tonight is cold and clear and the moon is out. Here it comes.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Big Preying Mantis

My neighbor texted me to let me know there was a preying mantis on her window. I grabbed my camera and headed out and realized this was a big honkin' preying mantis. Here are the pictures. It is a dull overcast so I upped the ISO to make up for the drab light.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Another Clear Night

It is supposed to storm tomorrow night. A big cold front is supposed to come through. I thought I would get another shot of the moon tonight while we have clear skies.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Watching the Moon Grow

It has been clear the last couple of nights so it has made taking photos easier. It is amazing how much the moon "grows" from one night to the next. Here are pictures from last night and tonight.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Pretty Sunset

It has been overcast and today it cleared up. There were just enough clouds to make a pretty sunset. It got dark and faded quickly.

Cicada Hanging Around

Walked outside to see a Cicada sitting on the storm door. I was only familiar with the ones with red eyes but this was another species.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Up In The Sky

So, I've been seeing things in the sky lately. First the Met Life Blimp and today a Piper Cub. It is always interesting when things are flying by. Just as quickly as you see them, they are gone.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

What is that Bird?

I went to the park the other day and saw a raptor flying around and fishing in the lake. I thought it was a red tailed hawk but I'm not sure. If anyone knows what it is, shoot me an email at Here are a couple of pictures I managed to get.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

A Day at the Park

I went to the local park and sat down in the grass to wait for the dragonflies to land. It took a while because they were mostly buzzing around but I was able to get pictures of a few of them.

Snail in a Shell

Was walking around the parking lot of the small apartment building and happened upon this little snail. He was where he would get run over by the cars, so I moved him closer to the bushes. He went up into his shell but finally came out. I got a picture of him starting his slow journey.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

4th of July

I had a fun 4th of July with my family. We celebrated my 51st birthday, which was the day before. It was good to see everyone. I got to take some pictures of my niece and her boyfriend which was fun. Here are a couple.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Let's get those likes up!

My Facebook Photo page is up to 97 likes, let's make it 100!

Friday, June 27, 2014

Crepuscular rays

As the sun was setting behind some cumulus clouds, the rays known as Crepuscular Rays burst out of the clouds. It was pretty to see.

A Pretty Daylily

I've been next door taking pictures and got this one. I love the contrast of the orange against the green background.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Posing For a Picture

Saw a robin in a tree and managed to get a couple of shots. He looks like he is posing for his picture.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Busy Little Bee

The flowers are fading so the bees are going elsewhere. Still I managed to get one good shot of a worker bee gathering pollen today. They have such hairy little bodies.

Friday, May 2, 2014

My Neighbor's Irises

Oh my gosh, my neighbor has the greenest thumb and lets me come take pictures whenever I want. I noticed that her i
rises were in bloom. She has yellow and light purple but this dark purple and white iris is the prettiest one I've seen. That's why I wanted to share it with you!

Friday, April 25, 2014

Azalea Dreams

I pass by these Azalea bushes every day and can't help but photograph them. For some reason they are hard to focus. I tried using a Pentax with a manual focus 28 mm Macro lens. I managed to get this picture.

Monday, April 21, 2014

When a Weed is a Weed

Yep, it is Spring and not only are the flowers blooming, the weeds are making themselves known. I love the yellow flowers of the dandelions but I especially love the fluffy seedpod thingy. The are beautiful in their symmetry even if they spread and become a nuisance


It's a Ladybug

Phase two of the Spring, the bugs are coming out. Soon I will be trying to capture the butterflies but today I found a ladybug sitting happily on a Dogwood bloom.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Springtime Flowers

If it is Spring, I'm usually taking flower pictures, Summer, it's bug and butterfly pictures. Here is a picture from today.

Friday, April 11, 2014

A Sunny Bright Day

As promised, here are some pictures of the dogwoods with yesterday's sunny very blue sky. Now if only I could get that and no wind. It would be a win-win situation to take photographs.

Another Perspective

It's windy today and the sky has thin high clouds. Not the fluffy kind that look cool in the background but the blah kind that kinda washes out the background. I tried to go out and take pictures anyway. I decided to take some pictures of the dogwoods looking from below aiming up toward the sky. This is the one from today. I'll post one from yesterday in another post.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

By the Light of the Moon

There is a cool crescent moon out tonight and it just begged me to get the tripod and the camera out and go try to get some good shots. I like how this one turned out.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Ahhh the Warm Weather

It seems as though Spring has finally arrived. We have a week of 60 to 70 degree weather ahead and it makes me forget that it snowed just a little while ago. Another great reminder is all of the flowers that are beginning to bloom. Thanks to my neighbor's green thumb, I get to go out and appreciate the beauty!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Dandelion Delight

You know the weather is getting warmer when the dandelions start appearing. Even though it is a weed, it is still a pretty flower.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Thank You For Your Service

I had the privilege to attend a luncheon for female veterans. It was good to catch up with old friends and make new friends. It especially was good to have the camaraderie of fellow female veterans. They had door-prizes and I got lucky to have my ticket called. We were allowed to pick anything on the table and I picked the Gerbera Daisy plant. The pot has the stars and stripes on it. So it is patriotic. The flowers brightened the apartment up. It brings a little bit of Spring in early and of course, I had to take some pictures. Here are a couple of the pictures.