Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Warm and Beautiful

It never ceases to amaze me how the weather can change in just a day. Yesterday is case in point where those Carolina blue skies and warm temperatures beckoned me outside with my camera. On a whim, I decided to make a day trip up to Hanging Rock State Park. It was only 35 miles away and heck, I used to commute 50 miles each way to school at RCC.  I stopped at a mom and pop store in Walnut Cove. I believe the name was Whitleys or Whittens, so I will have to stop the next time.  Anyway, the young lady working there was so nice and confirmed that I was heading the right way. She even jotted directions to get to the lower cascades waterfalls. I bought a couple of apples that were so delicious.  I didn't make it to the actual hanging rock but instead hiked to three of the four water falls.  I will have to save the upper cascades and the hanging rock for the next time. The staff at the visitor's center was great too. I am going to post one of the waterfall pictures that I took.  I didn't have a neutral density filter with me but it was late afternoon and in shade so I just played  with the aperture priority and increased the f-stop until I got what I wanted with regards to misting the water. I might not be in the actual photography program at RCC until next summer but I do continue to be a student of photography and hope to continually learn and improve. Really, even as a graduate and professional photographer, are we not all students, trying to learn and improve our craft as we move along in our journey?

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